Miffland Neighborhood
The Miffland neighborhood has been experiencing a lot of change. Numerous new
residential buildings have graced our skyline, as private developers are striving to meet
the need for additional housing for students and other residents. In recent years, several
large apartment complexes have dotted our landscape, including Ovation 309, Domain,
oLiv, Lark at Kohl and West Washington Place. Additional large complexes and smaller
apartment buildings are in various planning stages.
In addition to the booming residential development, the Wisconsin Historical Society is
beginning construction of the new Wisconsin History Center at the same site as the
current museum. This much larger and contemporary building will house many more
exhibits, and is expected to attract many more visitors to the area. During construction
of the Historical Museum, parts of the area known as the Mifflin Street Plaza or
Philosopher’s Grove will be closed to the public, but will be reborn as a redesigned
space that will be more welcoming to the public. Planning for that new and improved
space is currently being led by the City of Madison.
With all the exciting growth of the Miffland neighborhood going on, we are always
looking for more community involvement. Currently, a group of Miffland residents gather
monthly to review development proposals and current neighborhood events. Our
meetings are open to the public, and are typically held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 6:00 PM in the Central Library. The group has the opportunity to be involved
early in the development planning process, providing feedback to developers and
advice to City commissions, with the goal of achieving the best neighborhood possible.
Please join us! Send an email to Linda at miffland@capitolneighborhoods.org to meet your neighbors and get involved!