City of Madison

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The City of Madison is creating its first ever Historic Preservation Plan. This plan will identify, celebrate and preserve the places that represent our collective histories. In addition, the ordinance standards for Madison’s five local historic districts will be updated. The descriptions and materials related to both of these efforts can be found here: Historic Preservation Plan (City of Madison)

The Historic Preservation Plan will provide a framework for future preservation that goes beyond the City’s current, primarily regulatory, role. It will recommend strategies to more effectively integrate historic preservation into public policy, explore zoning and land use tools, capitalize on economic development and financial incentives, and encourage heritage tourism. This process will employ strategies to engage, educate, and connect with all the groups that make up Madison’s unique history, with a particular emphasis on traditionally underrepresented groups.

An important goal of the Preservation Plan is to preserve what is most important to Madison’s fabric. It is necessary to have an inclusive, complete and accurate inventory of the places that create its story. This part of the process will build on current documentation of resources, identify gaps, and develop a strategy to ensure a complete, accurate, and expandable survey.

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